Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Secret was presented on "Oprah" and is endorsed by a long list of respected and established individuals. Its message should not be challenged and it only makes sense.

I began reading the book "The Secret" over six months ago. At the time, it sounded too easy and/or perhaps I was too cynical at the time but, in any case, I put it down. Recently, I have been working to redefine my life. Part of that process was to rid myself of negativity and I picked up the book once again. Also, I acquired the DVD that portrays the book's content in a video format. I have decided to practice its teaching.

What is the Secret? The Secret is the law of attraction. The Secret explains with simplicity the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create—intentionally and effortlessly—a joyful life. This is The Secret to everything—the Secret to unlimited happiness, love, health, and prosperity.

I invite you to look into it. In just a short time, I have already begun to feel its positive effects. Some may "poo poo" it and this I respect. In any case, I have nothing to lose.

I believe we are meant to share the good we are given. I am happy to have done so with this posting. Good wishes!

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