Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Zionsville Rail Trail

Today, we discovered the Zionsville Rail Trail and it was fantastic. Since we had perfect weather today, we decided to load the bikes, drive into Zionsville and ride the entire trail.

It is designed so well. It is paved and has entrances from housing developments, main streets, and even one into the village. We plan to return soon to explore the village, have lunch, and bike some more. At the north end of the trail, there is a nursery who had cold drinks, Ritters frozen custard, and restrooms available for people using the trail.

There is talk (hopes) of extending this trail north through Whitestown and into Lebanon. Then on into Lafayette one day. We hope this comes to pass. It is so beautiful a ride, we just cannot describe it. Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Ben Biddle said...

So did you turn around and ride all the way back to the car or did you call for a pick up? Hmm, perhaps Ed could start a shuttle service!