Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weight Loss Website - SparkPeople!

For the longest time, I have wanted to access a reputable website to help me:
1) keep a daily food log that calculated caloric intake along with all the carbs, fats, etc.,
2) gauge caloric burn through exercise, and
3) monitor weight loss (and gain:< ).

I also wanted the website to:
1) NOT intrude on my privacy,
2) NOT constantly try to sell me stuff, and
3) provide me with informative articles on subjects that relate to ME.

I am a die-hard fan of the Tuesday night television show, The Biggest Loser but to take advantage of their website, you must subscribe (and pay). Then, additional "specials" cost extra. While I applaud them for these ingenious strategies with which to make MORE money off of the popularity of the show, I just couldn't afford it. Hey! I'll be honest. I wanted a website where I could receive all these wonderful things for free!

Well, folks, I found it! Actually, the site was recommended and endorsed by Good Morning America during one of their morning shows. The site is called SparkPeople. As with any interactive website, you must register and build your profile. BUT it is free and VERY easy to use and I did not believe it to be intrusive.

I have used this site for about two months and cannot find one thing that I dislike about it. In fact, I enjoy going into its many features to what other service I can use. If you're wanting to monitor your weight and/or physical activity in ANY way - use this site! OR, if you have any friend(s) who would like to use something like this, pass this tip along.

Trust me, you'll thank me for this.